Censorship and privacy

 We all live in a time when privacy can’t be provided to a full extent due to numerous factors. Google, Facebook, and other apps usually secretly collect your data for their purposes and rarely do something to help in this situation except not using this kind of service. But for censorship, I mean hiding real facts (not hiding some adult content), it is something that can’t be seen in a democratic country. However not every country is such and we can name various examples even without thinking too much.

As a member of a democratic world, it is not acceptable that a whole nation is trying to delete another nation just because they want. But actually, that is what russians have been doing for 300 years and are continuing to do with Ukrainian culture and people. Holodomor, which was an intentional act of genocide against the Ukrainian people was a clear example of russian politics throughout only the last century. You can easily compare articles even in Wikipedia in different languages to see the censorship in the article, written in russian. But I would like to mention the most recent, and very demonstrative example of such censorship – hiding all news and pictures by searching for “Bucha” or “Bucha massacre” in russian browser Yandex. Numerous documents and captured negotiations of so-called “orcs” by the USA and Ukrainian intelligence are confirming the fact that killing people, raping everything, and burning alive is just another act of genocide conducted by all russians. 

If you do not agree with me, just search for putin’s rating after launching a war on the 24th of February. I’m sure that all people that are related somehow to anything that was done against Ukrainians will be brought to the International Court of Justice in Hague to face the severest punishment and I’m talking not only about the “animals” that were doing this with their own hands but about average russian that is rotting in his mud. It is just a couple of villages around Kyiv, but unfortunately, such massacres will be found nearly in every place, where the leg of a russian soldier stepped.

As for privacy violations, again a very recent example can be illustrated. I would like to mention the city of Kherson, which was occupied for already more than a month. People started to hear strange noises and redundant double dial tones which is a wiretap, to catch people with Ukrainian ambitions. If something is leaked, likely, you will not find related people the next day. That is a price for independency, unfortunately with lots of victims, particularly among youth to cut the future of Ukraine. But one famous politician Johar Dudaev said: “Ukrainians always return. They will return and take back what’s theirs. But when Ukrainians return, they will not calculate the force. They will destroy everything that will happen on their way. Do not hurt Ukrainians. Otherwise, when the Ukrainians return to the land, where their ancestors are buried, then those living on this land will envy the dead”. [1]


1) - https://kharkov.politeka.net/281437-v-seti-vspomnili-vyskazyvanie-dzhohara-dudaeva-ob-ukraincah-oni-vernut-svoe


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